Breakfeeds are shorter podcasts from Beef + Lamb New Zealand As farmers and growers, social media is useful to tell our stories and also to interact with the general public and urban counterparts. Alongside Waimate Mayor Craig Rowley, he chaired the first meeting of the recently formed Waimate/Waitaki Mycoplasma Bovis Advisory Group held at the Waimate District Council on Wednesday. After waffling on about my lifes achievements (current runner-up, womens world gumboot throwing, thank-you-very-much!) When I uprooted my life and moved to Dunedin in January, the first thing I did was book flights home for duck shooting.Our maimai has a name 'The Hilton,' a working fireplace (not to be used on cloudless days), and the boys constructed it from scratch from an old bus shelter. We would start milking at 1pm and get home about 7pm. Rachel Short began farming in 2004, with Kenneth Short joining her in 2007 while keeping on in building until 2010. . "This year they've (Fish and Game)pushed the message that hunters just need to be extra sensitiveto the public's reaction. If I had goats, they'd totally have a goat castle.., Land of cuteness (@landpsychology) June 13, 2020. How is the situation in China impacting our primary exporters? Farmers leading the way in responsible irrigation could win a trip to America. This years Fieldays has had five and a half months of extra buildup, as it was delayed to avoid the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Fans no longer have to wear masks when they're seated, food and drinks are now allowed in the stands, and stadiums can be filled up to half capacity. The other major winners were Michael Kavanagh and Rowena Duncum, the region's Farm Managers of the Year, and Daniel Regtien, the 2013 Taranaki Dairy Trainee of the Year. . Many industries claim to be driving towards lower emissions but none have the low carbon profile of the wood sector. Rachel Short began farming in 2004, with Kenneth Short joining her in 2007 while keeping on in building until 2010. In 2013, they bought a Te Pari cattle crush fitted with digital scales, enabling them to regularly weigh their replacement heifers. The Taranaki region was the first to hold a regional sharemilker competition and in 1990 the competition became nationwide. Some of my happiest memories of childhood holidays are visiting family on their farms around the country. The build seemed to take longer than it should have. Leave a Comment | business, environment, Farming, food, rural | Tagged: Alliance Group, Brent Melville, Brian Stanley, Chris Lewis, David Surveyor, Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), Gravity Fishing, isoflucypram, John Dodd, Murray Isbister, Nate Smith, Neal Wallace, North Otago A&P, Rowena Duncum, Sally Brooker, Vimoy Iblon, Wood Processing and Manufacturing Association (WPMA), Zero Carbon Bill | Permalink . . But there are big questions about why it wont announce that it is doing so. Trees replace top cattle Annette Scott: As far north as sale yards get in New Zealand the Broadwood selling centre in Northland hosted one of the countrys more notable capital stock clearing sales last week. This is something I get asked often, and theres no one-size-fits-all, but something that always resonates with me is when farmers open up and showcase their lives, their achievements and when things dont go quite so well. If such a link is found, it could mean its possible for farmers to fight climate change by specifically breeding cows that emit less methane. . Stream unlimited music, thousands of radio stations and podcasts all The odds for me failing by Thursday May 24th just shortened dramatically.P.P.S. . It is most pronounced among what we might refer to as the post-Covid right", Project will identify marketing potential of regenerative agriculture, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice media contrast with NZ, Geraldine boutique accommodation in the old Vicarage, The Democratsdebacle: some lessons from Donald Trumps triumph and Hillary Clintons humiliation, Mike Hosking: We need to think about the public service differently, Exercise 2: 5 Days of Practicing Love (for the Real World). Posted by homepaddock, And shes done it!! And that's the best voice there is. The crops of kale were poor, and we unintentionally wrecked many hectares of grass along the way. . The following weekend, I'm back home again. We track down our globe-trotting producer in a bus in the south of France, heading home from the final evening of the World Shearing Championships, as the Kiwi team took home three of the six gold medals on offer, with Rowland Smith narrowly missing the open shearing title to Welshman Richard Jones. Theyre all about public accountability and providing proof that the industry as they state have nothing to hide. OPINION: The race to find the silver bullet and reduce methane emissions in cows is on. 'Don't worry I'll fail,' I reassured farmers.That third reason's probably closest to the truth. Simply outstanding performances all round! We've always been ones to control as many aspects of daily farming life as possible and becoming fully self-contained was part of this. Mitch MacRae has had to deal with everything nature can throw at a farmer, and perhaps a little bit more, because his pernickety stock simply die if the water temperature gets above about 24 degrees. . Movies. Some good, balanced and considered. If the forestry strategy fails, we will need a more aggressive approach to meeting carbon zero by 2050 something consultancy EY calculated in 2018 would cost the country $30 billion. The Tipperary Station 1st annual cotton picking. Here we are one week on from the big water policy announcement and I dont see that abating anytime soon. I thought it would be worth sharing again:, Mark Ferguson (@Fergenetics) October 14, 2020, Leave a Comment | Farming | Tagged: #IRWD2020, International Rural Women's Day, Janelle South, Josh Becker, Kerry Anderson, Lisette Mill, Mark Ferguson, Niyigaba Etienne, Rowena Duncum, Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) | Permalink We all get them. It had budgeted capital expenditure of $60 million-$70 million for the transition, it told a select committee hearing on the Zero Carbon Bill in Dunedin yesterday. Break Feed: Farmer to commentator, with Rowena Duncum, Rowena is proud to be the producer of The Country, the longest running rural radio show in New Zealand. Im the third generation, my son runs the farm and weve got three grandsons running around the place now. . To date, I've never made it through a calving without my old mate Gin and I don't intend to start now. I can already picture walking past on my way to the studio and oh so casually, popping a savoury in my mouth.I'll be taking bets on how long I'll last at this folly. Amy Munro, Vet and Advocate #IRWD2020 @ABCRural @millbernasconi, Josh Becker (@joshvbecker) October 14, 2020, Today we celebrate the International Day of Rural Women.So many amazing people out there doing amazing things. New trial could lead to breeding of low methane-emitting cows James Fyfe: A trial is underway in the Waikato to see if there is a link between cows genetics and how much methane they produce. #champions, Bloody legends!!! The value of beef exports was up by 50 per cent sheepmeat was up by 18 per cent and co-products were up two per cent. We got here through hard work (very hard work) and dedication. But we're still here. All our logs are in that basket, you could say. . The couple hope to raise their equity stake to 100%, to maintain an environmentally sustainable farm and to get time off from the farm. Create and manage subscriptions through an online account. . But following representations from the dairy and aged care sectors POLITIK understands the Minister of Immigration, Iain Lees-Galloway favours an extension of six to 12 months for many of the workers. "I don't really have any health concerns," said one fan, who gave his name as Peter told AFP.Another spectator, Wendy, said she feared New Zealand would have stayed locked down longer "but I'm happy that we're not. There's been some big changes since then, along with the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. The Zimmatic Trailblazer Sustainable Irrigation Awards aim to celebrate excellence in sustainable irrigation. It was an incredible experience and made us appreciate just how innovative New Zealand farming is!. Clients are mostly American, with some Europeans and a few Australians. "Craziness," is how 20-year-old student Charlotte Power described the scene. Were on track to achieve eradication, but theres still a lot of hard work ahead of us. Outside of work, Rowena is the sideline commentator for Dunedin-based Super Rugby and NPC games, Assistant Manager for the Otago Spirit in the Farah Palmer Cup, and the 2019 World Boot-Throwing Champion (I promise you this is a thing!). Menu. Thanks to the rural women who work tirelessly on the land, in the home or office, front & centre or behind scenes, in community or advocacy groups, in leadership, governance & training roles. Casey was born August 22, 1990 to John Mark and Angela Sue (Isham) Duncum in Arlington, Texas. But I find the concept ridiculous. I have a tremendous love of machinery and have amassed a large collection now, but it wasn't always the case. Fiona Thomas and Libby Ogle have started their very own mobile library each month ferrying a load of books to two isolated primary schools in the Ruapehu District. This will be interesting. 'My chance to walk in someone else's shoes and attempt to understand their ideals and values,' I explained to our urban listening audience. Golden Gumboot leads to Fieldays love for rural bachelor. Along with pushing the buttons to take the show to air at midday each weekday, she also contributes to the shows direction, hunts down people for interviews and tries to keep the shows host Jamie Mackay inline as NZs champion cow-pat thrower and the 2nd best gumboot thrower in the world, shes more than qualified. . Second place in the Taranaki farm manager contest went to New Plymouth contract milkers Sergio Valverde-Nandin and Kaelee Alexander, who won $2400. Our teams have adapted really quickly and theyve done a lot of great work. . I don't think Pita Pit with falafel every meal's gonna cut it.Above all else, the biggest fear I have is the embarrassment of failing by simply forgetting. Nominee Olliff Farm north of Auckland faced a dilemma. Rowena Duncum is a passionate advocate for the agricultural industry. Ben Richards becomes Bayer Marlborough Young Viticulturist of Year 2019: Ben Richards from Indevinbecame the Bayer MarlboroughYoung Viticulturist of the Year 2019 on 4 July following the competition held at Constellations Drylands Vineyard. LISTEN ABOVE New Zealand's Dairy Industry Leaders have been attending the International Dairy Foundation's World Dairy Summit in India last week. Its a rite of passage growing up in Aotearoa. Follow Look, I usually steer clear of voicing political opinions, but to be honest, Ive lost a lot of sleep this past week. Posted by homepaddock. "Dancing, partying. Every time. Twenty-five years ago, we moved to our current farm. . Rowena Duncum: Fine skies greeting farmers on day two of Fieldays in Hamilton. Some in the extreme for opposing sides of the spectrum. It's not just a child getting the sniffles, it is a very, very serious disease. Try again later. . The legislation could make it compulsory for lenders to make funds available to farmers to fund their share of mediation costs, Sharemilkers Chairperson Richard McIntyre told the Primary Production Select Committee this morning., Rowena Duncum (@rowie_nz) January 14, 2021, Megan whitehead on her way to setting a new world shearing record. Rowena Duncum on the return of New Zealand rugby. Mr Stanley adds, .and the industry now has independent, third-party certification extending right from the forest to the marketplace to prove that our wood-based packaging and construction products do the right thing by the environment. He said there's something special about being at a game. Not only did he laugh me out of his office, but gleefully pointed out May also boasts National Lamb Day. A sector-wide initiative by Federated Farmers, DairyNZ, Dairy Womens Network and NZ Young Farmers it was launched last month . . . . Following the filing of our company accounts last month, the Alliance board believes the co-operative is in a position to repay the remaining balance, he said. . 5mins 31 Jan 2021 Rowena Duncum Megan Whitehead Similar People Judith Collins Julia Jones David Stevens Simon Bridges Winston Peters Matt Chisholm Bernadette Hunt Ben Dooley Jason Walls Barry Soper Elliot Smith John Key Jamie MacKay Aaron Dahmen . After waffling on about my life's "achievements" (current runner-up, women's world gumboot throwing, thank-you-very-much!) M Bovis research to look at milk yield impact Maja Burry: The Ministry for Primary Industries is commissioning new research into the impacts of Mycoplasma bovis on cattle in New Zealand. Barbara and Ron Duncum are excited grandparents Thanks to the staff at amneriang r-iospnai EDGAR (nee Yeates) Sophie and Jamie are delighted to announce the arrival of Beniamin John Wilham. Rachel and Kenneth Short, will host a field day on April 11, while Michael Kavanagh and Rowena Duncum, will host a field day on the Opunake farm they manage on April 4. . Farmers want armys help to control crime. But you should also know especially if youve been fortunate enough to catch some of the keynote addresses and panel discussions of the inaugural Primary Industries Summit that Federated Farmers organised and has hosted Monday and Tuesday that New Zealand also has a wealth of ideas, talent and drive to deal with these big issues coming at us. . Faltering forestry risks NZs climate strategy Marty Verry: Global headwinds are lining up against New Zealands number one climate change mitigation strategy the one billion trees policy. Follow her on Twitter, her handle is: @rowie_nz Rowena, health, wellbeing, agriculture industry, journalism, good stories, twitter, different points of view, media, social media, Black Heels and Tractor Wheels - Presented by Rural Women New Zealand, Today we have Rowena Duncum joining us on the Podcast. Visa uncertainty threatens farm crisis Richard Harman: The Government is considering extending temporary work visas due to expire over the next few months so that essential businesses do not lose semi-skilled workers. Making the most of NZ opportunity Yvonne OHara: Carol Booth spent an eight-month working holiday on dairy farms in West Otago six years ago. Lamb contract rewards loyalty Colin Williscroft: A $9/kg fixed-price lamb contract for August is a reward for customer loyalty, Affco national livestock manager Tom Young says. Row breaks down the incredible performance by Megan Whitehead at the Grant Brother's Woolshed. Follow her on Twitter, her handle is: @rowie_nz, Rowena Duncum on the World Shearing and Woolhandling Champs. . Rowena Duncum: The Essential Freshwater Package has Rowena Duncum wishing the Government would stick to the Keep It Simple Stupid method. Being a grass-based system, use of pasture is a key to high profits.. Councils will have to map all land classified as a significant natural area in five years. Overseas investors fined almost $3 million for illegal purchase of Auckland properties: The High Court yesterday ordered the overseas owners of two rural properties at Warkworth, north of Auckland, to pay $2.95 million to the Crown after an Overseas Investment Office (OIO) investigation found they were bought without consent. I've long maintained I could never survive as a vegetarian for this very reason. MVM provides a unique opportunity to acquire a new world class nutritional products manufacturing capability in New Zealand, alongside a highly respected China state owned enterprise in China Animal Husbandry Group (CAHG), A2 Milk chief executive Geoff Babidge said. I remember one cow, a favourite Rachel, being cast in the rain one night. Its just one of the heart-warming stories shared in the NZ Food Heroes campaign. The Country 19/08/22: Steven Leov talks to Rowena Duncum. Our young stock is weighed and drenched every three weeks from about seven weeks of age, said Julia. and my role with The Country, I fielded a question around how farmers can effectively communicate with urban dwellers., Anna Nelson (@annanelson_4) March 6, 2020. Over 65% of our exports come from agricultural food production and we produce it with a lower carbon footprint than any other country in the world. I've driven past the original farm a few times and thought how different things would have been if we'd ended up there. Federated Farmers wants migrant workers on Govts COVID exemption A-list: Auckland officials are emphasising the economic benefits of letting in Americas Cup crews, but farmers feel theyre being left off the A-list. I knew then what I wanted to do. It has undoubtedly been the right move for us, as the future of farming constantly changes. (BusinessDesk) In-market prices for logs in China New Zealands largest export market have fallen in recent weeks and ANZ Bank warns the drop will make the harvest of some woodlots unprofitable. In 1995 we took over with just a David Brown 995 and loader; a John Deere 6200, twin-drum UFO mower, three-furrow plough, 10ft discs and a Giltrap silage wagon. Very simply, Fonterra made a loss of $196 million in financial year 2018 largely because of write-down on assets. . The rest of the numbers were made up by leasing some crossbred R2 heifers we got to keep any bull calves, but the heifers went back to the owners. Leave a Comment | business, environment, Farming, food, forestry, rural | Tagged: Affco, Allan Oldfield, Colin Williscroft, Craig Rowley, Daniel Birchfield, David Connolly, Fonterra, Gary Kircher, Jim Salinger, Keith Woodford, Mycoplasma bovis, One Billion Trees, Rowena Duncum, Shane Jones, Susan Kilsby, Tom Young, Tony Dobbs, Waimate/Waitaki Mycoplasma Bovis Advisory Group | Permalink New Zealand 241 followers 236 connections Join to view profile NZME. Follow her on Twitter, her handle is: @rowie_nz, Freephone within NZ:0800 BEEFLAMB (0800 233 352), Bringing together NZ's sheep & beef genetics research & innovation, Find tasty recipes, domestic promotion information & campaigns, Proven facts about NZ's farming methods & how our red meat stacks up. The Sky knows no path#autumnalvibes #Weather #StormHour #wilderness #machair #Scotland #OuterHebrides #thursdayvibes #cornfield #sunrise, DaliMach StormPod (@frenchscotjeff) August 22, 2019. Short spoke to The Country's Jamie Mackay and Rowena Duncum about his first encounter with Ryley McGougan saying the timing wasn't perfect, but it all worked out in the end. All Rights Reserved. What a great concept! . Want to get our weekly e-diary or receive other essential updates? . At 8 am today the gates open for Fieldays 2022. One of our strengths is being able to control the cost of production, so we can achieve a system that is profitable and sustainable at all payouts, she says. . Rowena, health, wellbeing, agriculture industry, journalism, good stories, twitter, different points of view, media, social media, Copyright Beef + Lamb New Zealand 2023 |, Break Feed: Farmer to commentator, with Rowena Duncum. Rowena Duncum: Producer of The Country on the International Dairy Foundation's world summit September 20, 2022 3 min New Zealand's Dairy Industry Leaders have been attending the International Dairy Foundation's World Dairy Summit in India last week. . . . Vet behind Mycoplasma Bovis detection hopeful for eradication: The amaru vet, whose efforts led to the identification of cattle disease Mycoplasma Bovis in New Zealand, says she is optimistic the disease can be eradicated. This button displays the currently selected search type. TV Shows. One billion tree flawed says climate scientist: The Forestry Minister Shane Jones one billion trees wont reduce carbon emissions, as too few natives are being planted, climate scientist Jim Salinger says. The contract has been the subject of much discussion at sale yards but Young said it is not an offer being made to every farmer. It is the most significant networking event on the red meat calendar, bringing together all sector participants. Third was Midhirst manager Carey Duggan, winning $2100. iHeartRadio app. #IRWD2020 #daughtersinag #familyfarming, Janelle South (@JanelleSmith251) October 15, 2020, Happy international rural womens Day. They are right that there is a lot wrong with the worlds wildlife, that we can do much more to conserve, enhance and recover it, but much of the coverage in the media, and many of the pronouncements of Sir Bob Watson, chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), are frankly weird. Rowena Duncum is a passionate advocate for the agricultural and rural sectors. It makes it real. . . iHeartRadio is easy to use and all FREE, Simon Barnett and James Daniels Afternoons, Simon Barnett & James Daniels Afternoons Podcast, Sportstalk with D'Arcy Waldegrave Podcast, The Resident Builder Podcast with Peter Wolfkamp, Wellington Mornings with Nick Mills Podcast, Canterbury Mornings with John MacDonald Podcast, How many did the cyclone injure? Leave a Comment | business, environment, Farming, food, forestry, rural, trade | Tagged: Fonterra, HortNZ, Iain Lees-Galloway, James Fyfe, Judith Swales, Marty Verry, Michael Morrah, Murray Smith, Nathan Guy, NZ Food Heroes, Olliff Farm, Politik, Richard Harman, Rowena Duncum | Permalink Comment: Rowena Duncum gives voice to the high and lows, hard work, love and dedication of all farmers through the story of one farmer, Bruce Eade, as he celebrates 25 years on his farm. . The Red Meat Sector Conference is jointly hosted by the Meat Industry Association of New Zealand (MIA), and Beef + Lamb New Zealand Ltd. Cost should not shut borrower out of mediation sharemilkers say: The Sharemilkers Section of Federated Farmers strongly supports the Farm Debt Mediation Bill (No 2) but would like to see changes to ensure a borrower isnt shut out of the process because they cant afford it. Sheree Alabaster and Pagan Karauria World Team Woolhandling Champions 2019! A former dairy farmer and 2013 Taranaki Farm Manager of the Year, she hung up the milking apron and swapped her. Falling log prices may make some woodlots unprofitable ANZ -Rebecca Howard. A great portion of New Zealand's economy hinges upon meat consumption. . . There were four contestants competing in total, the other two being Brigitte Allan from Pyramid Valley and Lucas Percy from Pegasus Bay, who gave it their all, making it a great competition. The differences between animal welfare and animal ethics and where the biggest challenges to livestock production may lay with the latter was explored by Dr Beggs in a recent episode of the RawAg podcast produced by southern seedstock operation Te Mania Angus. "Taiwan's professional baseball league began allowing a very limited number of fans into games in May, but loosened restrictions last weekend after the government eased coronavirus measures. In a former life, Rowena was a dairy farmer, and won the 2013 Taranaki Farm Manager of the Year,She has since hung up the milking apron and swapped her red bands for radio in 2016- becoming Executive Producer of The Country. Because we went from 180 to 300 cows and Ayrshires were hard to come by, we had to buy a few budget cows. The project aims to develop a scientific methodology for training detection dogs to reliably detect AFB, by creating a scent picture of the disease. ATM disclosed its intentions in August and has now entered binding agreements to buy a 75 percent stake in the Southland based infant formula maker. He was its president in 2000 and nowadays is convener of the sheep section. "Duncum adds that thoseparticipatingneed to rememberthings such as how they transport their firearms and the potential reaction to gun shot sounds.LISTEN TO ROWENA DUNCUM TALK WITH ANDREW DICKENS ABOVE.See for privacy information. Diverse in nature, the entries all reflect the Kiwi brand of innovation and community spirit that has flourished during the COVID-19 crisis ensuring New Zealand has access to fresh, local produce. No need to destroy the perfect way of farming Lone Sorensen: Why are we accusing farming and in particularly dairy farming for being the cause, at least here in NZ, for global warming? Lovely winters afternoon at the Waimakariri Gorge, Murray Smith (@CharollaisRams) June 13, 2020. Did I want to go fishing, Nate Smith asked from the wheelhouse of his boat Gravity. I'm sure rugby fans all over the world have the same feeling right now. After many winters on kale in 2012, we made what was considered a bold move at the time, to sink over $1 million into our free-stall barn, to get all our cows off the land during winter. . Photo / Waipa Post. See for privacy ., William Morrison (@MorrisonFarming) August 5, 2020. Technology helps Southland farmers replacement heifers hit weight targets : Investing in weigh scales is helping Southland dairy farmers Julia and Stewart Eden grow bigger heifers which produce more milk. The pair met up the following year at Fieldays where Mike returned to judge the Rural Bachelor competition and a (now single), Ryley was working for Mystery Creek coordinating events. Transforming industrial farming practices in Aotearoa through regenerative agriculture to reflect true kaitiakitanga (guardianship) is the way of the future, says FOMA Innovation lead representative, Te Horipo Karaitiana. "To be in a stadium and to feel it, and to even influence the game. Congratulations also goes to Will Bowman from Black Estate who was Runner Up. Big processors pursuing staged transition Brent Melville: Weaning New Zealands primary sector off fossil fuels could cost the industry and the agri-sector hundreds of millions of dollars. They started in May and lived on site most of the time, in a caravan in the hay shed, that still is next to the cowshed to this day. . Horticulture NZ says New Zealand needs more water storage schemes like Northland: HortNZ says New Zealand needs more water storage schemes like the one just announced for Northland. New Zealand music and duck shooting. Photo / SuppliedSponsored contentOpinion: The Country's executive producer Rowena Duncum had a yarn to a few exhibitors and got a sneak peek at their innovative ideas and products before the gates officially opened at Fieldays today. Find ratings and reviews for the newest movie and TV shows. Stratford farm assistant Peter Templeton, aged 21, placed second in the dairy trainee contest winning $500. Short joining her in 2007 while keeping on in building until 2010. were,. Very, very serious disease Happy international rural womens Day ) October 15, 2020 I want to go,! 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