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[102] Recording from different angles and illumination conditions, New Horizons took detailed images of Jupiter's faint ring system, discovering debris left over from recent collisions within the rings or from other unexplained phenomena. [28] Each pellet is clad in iridium, then encased in a graphite shell. New Horizons topped the list of projects considered the highest priority among the scientific community in the medium-size category; ahead of missions to the Moon, and even Jupiter. The engines burned for 76seconds, adjusting the spacecraft's velocity by about 1.16m/s (4.2km/h; 2.6mph). All objects had estimated diameters in the 3055km (1934mi) range and were too small to be seen by ground telescopes. New Horizons has both spin-stabilized (cruise) and three-axis stabilized (science) modes controlled entirely with hydrazine monopropellant. NASA's New Horizons spacecraft launched toward Pluto in 2006, but the mission can trace its start back to 1930, when Clyde Tombaugh discovered the small planet and opened the door to a new, mysterious region of the solar system we're only now just beginning to understand. The Cassini launch had been protested by multiple organizations, due to the risk of such a large amount of plutonium being released into the atmosphere in case of an accident. The maneuver, which started at approximately 19:50UTC and used two of the spacecraft's small hydrazine-fueled thrusters, lasted approximately 16 minutes and changed the spacecraft's trajectory by about 10 meters per second (33ft/s). Besides the low data rate, Pluto's distance also causes a latency of about 4.5hours (one-way). They entered orbits that took them closer to the Sun than. After a brief encounter with asteroid 132524 APL, New Horizons proceeded to Jupiter, making its closest approach on February 28, 2007, at a distance of 2.3million kilometers (1.4million miles). [141], The mission's science objectives were grouped in three distinct priorities. New Horizons is an interplanetary space probe that was launched as a part of NASA's New Frontiers program. The Digital Collaboration Space is the first of three initiatives planned for the first phase of the Paddington Life Sciences development, a vision launched by Imperial College Healthcare last September that aims to maximise local and global benefits of NHS, research, industry and community partnerships centred around St Mary's Hospital. [182] In addition, it will continue to study the gas, dust and plasma composition of the Kuiper belt before the mission extension ends in 2021. [109], New Horizons crossed the orbit of Saturn on June 8, 2008,[110] and Uranus on March 18, 2011. A cylindrical radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) protrudes in the plane of the triangle from one vertex of the triangle. [166] On June 16, 2014, time on Hubble was granted for a search. [224][c], This article is about the space probe. Previous spacecraft, such as the Voyager program probes, had a rotatable instrumentation platform (a "scan platform") that could take measurements from virtually any angle without losing radio contact with Earth. In addition to the high-gain antenna, there are two backup low-gain antennas and a medium-gain dish. The VBSDC is always turned on measuring the masses of the interplanetary and interstellar dust particles (in the range of nano- and picograms) as they collide with the PVDF panels mounted on the New Horizons spacecraft. This temperature differential requires insulation and isolation from the rest of the structure. The necessary course adjustment was performed with four engine firings between October 22 and November 4, 2015. An objective to measure any magnetic field of Pluto was dropped, due to mass and budget issues associated with including a magnetometer on the spacecraft. Including other functions such as instrument and radio electronics, each IEM contains 9boards. Backlighting by the Sun gave an opportunity to highlight any rings or atmospheric hazes. [113], While in hibernation mode in July 2012, New Horizons started gathering scientific data with SWAP, PEPSSI and VBSDC. The heat from the RTG adds warmth to the spacecraft while it is in the outer Solar System. At that range, 2011 HM102 would have been bright enough to be detectable by New Horizons' LORRI instrument; however, the New Horizons team eventually decided that they would not target 2011 HM102 for observations because the preparations for the Pluto approach took precedence. The total speed needed is the square root of the sum of the squares of these two speeds. For viewing on public web sites the 12-bit per pixel LORRI images are converted to 8-bit per pixel JPEG images. The processor used for its flight computers is the Mongoose-V, a 12 MHz radiation-hardened version of the MIPS R3000 CPU. NASA scientists therefore reduced the number of scientific operations on the craft to prevent future events, which could happen during the approach with Pluto. The 70m (230ft) NASA Deep Space Network (DSN) dishes are used to relay commands once the spacecraft is beyond Jupiter. The "primary objectives" were required. The total velocity change of these two corrections was about 18 meters per second (65km/h; 40mph). Launched Jan. 19, 2006 Performed gravity assist flyby of Jupiter in 2007 First to explore Pluto in July 2015 Flyby of Kuiper Belt Object 2014 MU69 Reached 50 Astronomical Units (AU) from the Sun Powered by: One GPHS-RTG [5] Engineered by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) and the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), with a team led by Alan Stern,[6] the spacecraft was launched in 2006 with the primary mission to perform a flyby study of the Pluto system in 2015, and a secondary mission to fly by and study one or more other Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) in the decade to follow, which became a mission to 486958 Arrokoth. [73], On June 23, 2017, NASA announced that it has renamed the LEISA instrument to the "Lisa Hardaway Infrared Mapping Spectrometer" in honor of Lisa Hardaway, the Ralph program manager at Ball Aerospace, who died in January 2017 at age 50. Ralph has two separate channels: MVIC (Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera), a visible-light CCD imager with broadband and color channels; and LEISA (Linear Etalon Imaging Spectral Array), a near-infrared imaging spectrometer. New Horizons, U.S. space probe that flew by the dwarf planet Pluto and its largest moon, Charon, in July 2015. A space burial company is launching the DNA of four former and late presidents into space. The craft fully recovered within two days, with some data loss on Jupiter's. Another launch attempt of NASA's Crew-6 mission to send three astronauts and one cosmonaut to the space station is set for 12:34 a.m. AMA", "Astronomers Are Already Planning for the Next 'Pale Blue Dot', "New Horizons SOC to Instrument Pipeline ICD", "Derelict Booster to Beat Pluto Probe to Jupiter", "Where Is the New Horizons Centaur Stage? Where is New Horizons? By Giselle Dussel. [189], Science objectives of the flyby included characterizing the geology and morphology of Arrokoth[190][191] and mapping the surface composition (by searching for ammonia, carbon monoxide, methane, and water ice). [187][188], The dwarf planet Haumea was observed from afar by the New Horizons spacecraft in October 2007, January 2017, and May 2020, from distances of 49AU, 59AU, and 63AU, respectively. Since May 2020, the New Horizons team has been using time on the Subaru Telescope to look for suitable candidates within the spacecraft's proximity. On January 9, New Horizons returned to a spin-stabilized mode to prepare sending the remainder of its data back to Earth. [70], Alice is an ultraviolet imaging spectrometer that is one of two photographic instruments comprising New Horizons' Pluto Exploration Remote Sensing Investigation (PERSI); the other being the Ralph telescope. The amount of radioactive plutonium in the RTG is about one-third the amount on board the CassiniHuygens probe when it launched in 1997. During and after closest approach, SWAP and PEPSSI sampled the high atmosphere and its effects on the solar wind. [34] Navigation is performed at various contractor facilities, whereas the navigational positional data and related celestial reference frames are provided by the Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station through Headquarters NASA and JPL. The New Horizons spacecraft launched on January 19, 2006 - beginning its odyssey to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt. This week's launch activity isn't over yet for SpaceX. The target also needed to be within 55AU, because beyond 55AU, the communications link becomes too weak, and the RTG power output decays significantly enough to hinder observations. [83] Combined, these burns successfully sent the probe on a solar-escape trajectory at 16.26 kilometers per second (58,536km/h; 36,373mph). The probe, about the size of a piano, weighed nearly 1,054 pounds at launch. Images taken during the spacecraft's approach which brought New Horizons to within just 2,200 miles (3,500 kilometers) of Ultima at 12:33 a.m. EST revealed that the Kuiper Belt object may have a shape similar to a bowling pin, spinning end over end, with dimensions of approximately 20 by 10 miles (32 by 16 kilometers). [7][8][9][10] It is not the fastest speed recorded for a spacecraft, which as of 2021 is that of the Parker Solar Probe. "I told him he was welcome to it," Tombaugh later remembered, "though he's got to go one long, cold trip. The "tertiary objectives" were desired. Any launch outside that period would have forced the spacecraft to fly a slower trajectory directly to Pluto, delaying its encounter by five to six years. Ralph was named after Alice's husband on The Honeymooners, and was designed after Alice. Stern's team was finally able to start building the spacecraft and its instruments, with a planned launch in January 2006 and arrival at Pluto in 2015. [88] On March 9, 2006, controllers performed TCM-3, the last of three scheduled course corrections. [84] Although there were backup launch opportunities in February 2006 and February 2007, only the first twenty-three days of the 2006 window permitted the Jupiter flyby. [106] The probe was activated for about two months a year so that the instruments could be calibrated and the systems checked. Effective collecting area is 0.125m2 (1.35sqft). The command and data handling software was updated to address the problem of computer resets. [74], The Venetia Burney Student Dust Counter (VBSDC), built by students at the University of Colorado Boulder, is operating periodically to make dust measurements. [92], On April 7, 2006, the spacecraft passed the orbit of Mars, moving at roughly 21km/s (76,000km/h; 47,000mph) away from the Sun at a solar distance of 243 million kilometers.[93][94][95]. [150] The transfer was completed on October 25, 2016, at 21:48UTC, when the last piece of datapart of a PlutoCharon observation sequence by the Ralph/LEISA imagerwas received by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. [27] New Horizons was based largely on Stern's work since Pluto 350 and involved most of the team from Pluto Kuiper Express. [142], "The New Horizons flyby of the Pluto system was fully successful, meeting and in many cases exceeding, the Pluto objectives set out for it by NASA and the National Academy of Sciences."[143]. The probability that a target for New Horizons would be found was estimated beforehand at about 95%.[168]. This was the first launch of the Atlas V 551 configuration, which uses five solid rocket boosters, and the first Atlas V with a third stage. [102] "Bubbles" of plasma that are thought to be formed from material ejected by the moon Io were noticed in the magnetotail.[104]. The asteroid was imaged by Ralph (use of LORRI was not possible because of proximity to the Sun), which gave the team a chance to test Ralph's capabilities, and make observations of the asteroid's composition as well as light and phase curves. A study based on 18 months of computer simulations, Earth-based telescope observations and occultations of the Pluto system revealed that the possibility of a catastrophic collision with debris or dust was less than 0.3% on the probe's scheduled course. In May 2006 it was discovered that New Horizons would pass close to the tiny asteroid 132524 APL on June 13, 2006. See where New Horizons is right now! During the flyby the spacecraft made observations of Jupiter and its . It has seven instruments on board to . (The Pioneers have hexagonal bodies, whereas the Voyagers, Galileo, and CassiniHuygens have decagonal, hollow bodies.) Because of the need to conserve fuel for possible encounters with Kuiper belt objects subsequent to the Pluto flyby, intentional encounters with objects in the asteroid belt were not planned. [11] On December 6, 2014, New Horizons was brought back online for the Pluto encounter, and instrument check-out began. On July 14, 2015, at 11:49UTC, it flew 12,500km (7,800mi) above the surface of Pluto,[13][14] which at the time was 34 AU from the Sun,[citation needed] making it the first spacecraft to explore the dwarf planet. So, after Pioneer 10 passed Jupiter in 1973, it still had ample power to keep going. [146][147] The spacecraft's immediate task was to begin returning the 6.25 gigabytes of information collected. [citation needed], Mission planners searched for one or more additional Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) of the order of 50100km (3162mi) in diameter as targets for flybys similar to the spacecraft's Plutonian encounter. This Alice instrument is derived from another Alice aboard ESA's Rosetta spacecraft. [75][76] It consists of a detector panel, about 460mm 300mm (18in 12in), mounted on the anti-solar face of the spacecraft (the ram direction), and an electronics box within the spacecraft. Also in regard to the approach phase during January 2015, on August 21, 2012, the team announced that they would spend mission time attempting long-range observations of the Kuiper belt object temporarily designated VNH0004 (now designated 2011 KW48), when the object was at a distance from New Horizons of 75 gigameters (0.50AU). Out of eleven observed eruptions, three were seen for the first time. [78] The launch of New Horizons was originally scheduled for January 11, 2006, but was initially delayed until January 17, 2006, to allow for borescope inspections of the Atlas V's kerosene tank. [100] More detailed exploration of the system began in January 2007 with an infrared image of the moon Callisto, as well as several black-and-white images of Jupiter itself. The mission's principal investigator is Alan Stern of the Southwest Research Institute (formerly NASA Associate Administrator). Operations Team Lead for 14 years; sequenced and uplinked nearly 500,000 imaging commands to the Cassini spacecraft; worked closely with scientists and engineers to ensure optimization of science. [69] The PEPSSI sensor has been designed to measure the mass, energy and distribution of charged particles around Pluto, and is also able to differentiate between protons, electrons, and other heavy ions. NASA's New Horizons spacecraft, launched in January 2006, is the one best suited to measure them. New Horizons recorded scientific instrument data to its solid-state memory buffer at each encounter, then transmitted the data to Earth. Are there large geological structures? [130] Starting May 11 a hazard search was performed, looking for unknown objects that could be a danger to the spacecraft, such as rings or hithero undiscovered moons, which could then possibly be avoided by a course change. Close range imaging was repeated twice per day in order to search for surface changes caused by localized snow fall or surface cryovolcanism. As of November 2020, none have been found close enough to the trajectory of New Horizons for it to be able to make a close flyby with its remaining fuel. I conducted six space walks to the tune of about 38 hours I had a great career, 15 years as an astronaut with NASA." Now, Anderson is leading the SAC museum, and . [53] The probe's trajectory to Pluto passed near Neptune's trailing Lagrange point ("L5"), which may host hundreds of bodies in 1:1 resonance. [183] This KBO was again imaged by the LORRI instrument on April 78, 2016, from a distance of 111millionkm (69millionmi; 0.74AU). [140] The first details of the encounter were received the next day, but the download of the complete data set through the 2 kbps data downlink took just over 15 months,[17] and analysis of the data continues as of 2021. [129] Pluto and Charon appear as a single overexposed object at the center. The titanium fuel tank is in this tube. The high-gain dish has a Cassegrain reflector layout, composite construction, of 2.1-meter (7ft) diameter providing over 42dBi of gain and a half-power beam width of about a degree. The flyby increased New Horizons' speed by 4km/s (14,000km/h; 9,000mph), accelerating the probe to a velocity of 23km/s (83,000km/h; 51,000mph) relative to the Sun and shortening its voyage to Pluto by three years. Still, its instruments were intended for small, dim targets, so they were scientifically useful on large, distant moons. PT1 (given the temporary designation "1110113Y" on the HST web site[174]), the most favorably situated object, had a magnitude of 26.8, is 3045km (1928mi) in diameter, and was encountered in January 2019. [153] Voyager 1 attained greater hyperbolic excess velocity than New Horizons due to gravity assists by Jupiter and Saturn. The rest of the triangle is primarily sandwich panels of thin aluminum face sheet (less than .mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}164in or 0.40mm) bonded to aluminum honeycomb core. [170] All were members of the "cold" (low-inclination, low-eccentricity) classical Kuiper belt objects, and thus were very different from Pluto. These objectives could have been skipped in favor of the above objectives. Because of the extreme distance from Pluto and the Kuiper belt, only one buffer load at those encounters can be saved. ", "New Horizons' catches a wandering Kuiper Belt Object not far off", "New Horizons Sends Back First Science On Distant Kuiper Belt Object", "New Horizons Collects First Science on a Post-Pluto Object", "New Horizons Spies a Kuiper Belt Companion", "New Horizons Captures Record-Breaking Images in the Kuiper Belt", "HORIZONS Web-Interface, Ephemeris Type: VECTORS, Target Body: Asteroid (2012 HE85), Coordinate Origin: New Horizons Spacecraft [500@-98], Time Span: Start=2017-12-05, Stop=2017-12-06, Intervals=1", "The Diverse Shapes of Dwarf Planet and Large KBO Phase Curves Observed from New Horizons", "NASA's New Horizons Will Visit Ultima Thule on New Year's Day The probe that visited Pluto will study a mysterious icy world just after midnight. I flew 167 days in outer space. New Horizons New Horizons is by far the youngest sibling of these groundbreaking missions, having just launched in 2006. Also, the mass distribution required for a spinning spacecraft demands a wider triangle. Multiple redundant clocks and timing routines are implemented in hardware and software to help prevent faults and downtime. VBSDC searched for dust, inferring meteoroid collision rates and any invisible rings. The downlink signal is amplified by dual redundant 12-watt traveling-wave tube amplifiers (TWTAs) mounted on the body under the dish. New Horizons now continues on its unparalleled journey of exploration with the close flyby of a Kuiper Belt object called 2014 MU69 - nicknamed Ultima Thule - on January 1, 2019. The measured data is expected to greatly contribute to the understanding of the dust spectra of the Solar System. The receivers are new, low-power designs. [35] Pluto's satellites Nix and Hydra also have a connection with the spacecraft: the first letters of their names (N and H) are the initials of New Horizons. Unlike the Pioneers and Voyagers, the radio dish is also enclosed in blankets that extend to the body. New Horizons was launched in . At that distance New Horizons saw a sky ten times darker than the sky seen by the Hubble Space Telescope because of the absence of diffuse background sky brightness from the zodiacal light in the inner solar system. The four largest moons of Jupiter were in poor positions for observation; the necessary path of the gravity-assist maneuver meant that New Horizons passed millions of kilometers from any of the Galilean moons. Its goal is to determine the composition of Pluto's atmosphere. No dust counter has operated past the orbit of Uranus; models of dust in the outer Solar System, especially the Kuiper belt, are speculative. The dust spectra can then be compared with those from observations of other stars, giving new clues as to where Earth-like planets can be found in the universe. [196][197], The craft was brought out of its hibernation at approximately 00:33UTC SCET on June 5, 2018 (06:12UTC ERT, Earth-Received Time),[a] in order to prepare for the approach phase. After separation from the launch vehicle, overall control was taken by Mission Operations Center (MOC) at the Applied Physics Laboratory in Howard County, Maryland. After passing Jupiter, New Horizons spent most of its journey towards Pluto in hibernation mode. But the kinetic energy when near the surface of the Earth must include the energy to exit the gravity well of the Earth, which requires a speed of about 11 km/s. Video by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. DSN tests early in the mission with this dual polarization combining technique were successful, and the capability is now considered operational (when the spacecraft power budget permits both TWTAs to be powered). In between the time of star camera readings, spacecraft orientation is provided by dual redundant miniature inertial measurement units. Activities for Kids Activities for Kids Arrokoth Facts The distress call was received the afternoon of July 4 and alerted engineers that they needed to contact the spacecraft to get more information and resolve the issue. The search for undiscovered moons within the rings showed no results. The prime-focus medium-gain antenna, with a 0.3-meter (1ft) aperture and 10 half-power beam width, is mounted to the back of the high-gain antenna's secondary reflector. The received signal level (RSL) using one, un-arrayed Deep Space Network antenna with 72 dBi of forward gain equals 148 dBm. Previous missions had the spacecraft transmit through the atmosphere, to Earth ("downlink"). Investigators compiled a series of images of the moons Nix and Hydra taken from January 27 through February 8, 2015, beginning at a range of 201million kilometers (125,000,000mi). [8][9] It is also the first spacecraft launched directly into a solar escape trajectory, which requires an approximate speed while near Earth of 16.5km/s (59,000km/h; 37,000mph),[b] plus additional delta-v to cover air and gravity drag, all to be provided by the launch vehicle. For other uses, see, Pluto's Charon-facing opposing hemisphere viewed on July 11, 2015, Distant view of Cape Canaveral during the launch of, Pluto Energetic Particle Spectrometer Science Investigation (PEPSSI), Venetia Burney Student Dust Counter (VBSDC), In-flight tests and crossing of Mars orbit. By the fall of 2014, a possible fourth target, 2014 MT69, had been eliminated by follow-up observations. The feature-length documentary is debuting in December 2018, just before NASA's New Horizons spacecraft flies by a small Kuiper Belt Object known scientifically as 2014 MU69, but nicknamed "Arrokoth." Where is New Horizons? Previous flights had used zero, two, or three solid boosters, but never five. The spacecraft's on-orbit mass including fuel is over 470kg (1,040lb) on the Jupiter flyby trajectory, but would have been only 445kg (981lb) for the backup direct flight option to Pluto. However, it is not the fastest spacecraft to leave the Solar System. The spacecraft is comparable in size and general shape to a grand piano and has been compared to a piano glued to a cocktail bar-sized satellite dish. It also observed Neptune's largest moon Triton (a captured KBO) in 2019. Further delays related to low cloud ceiling conditions downrange, and high winds and technical difficultiesunrelated to the rocket itselfprevented launch for a further two days. [66], Solar Wind Around Pluto (SWAP) is a toroidal electrostatic analyzer and retarding potential analyzer (RPA), that makes up one of the two instruments comprising New Horizons' Plasma and high-energy particle spectrometer suite (PAM), the other being PEPSSI. [6] There are no onboard batteries since RTG output is predictable, and load transients are handled by a capacitor bank and fast circuit breakers. [27], After an intense campaign to gain support for New Horizons, the Planetary Science Decadal Survey of 20032013 was published in the summer of 2002. It was in 2006 when the New Horizons spacecraft was launched by NASA with the aim of performing the closest flyby of Pluto. They were released on November 28, 2006. The targets were at distances from the Sun ranging from 43 to 44 AU, which would put the encounters in the 20182019 period. [91], During the week of February 20, 2006, controllers conducted initial in-flight tests of three onboard science instruments, the Alice ultraviolet imaging spectrometer, the PEPSSI plasma-sensor, and the LORRI long-range visible-spectrum camera. Voyager 1 and 2 . The ATK Star 48B third stage ignited at 19:42:37UTC and burned for 1 minute 28 seconds. ", "New Horizons is Still Only Halfway Through Its Download from Pluto", "New Horizons Returns Last Bits of 2015 Flyby Data to Earth", "After Visiting Pluto, NASA's New Horizons Spacecraft Reaches Another Cosmic Milestone", "It's Official! The science instruments are operated at Clyde Tombaugh Science Operations Center (T-SOC) in Boulder, Colorado. Emphasis was put on Jupiter's innermost Galilean moon, Io, whose active volcanoes shoot out tons of material into Jupiter's magnetosphere, and further. . [79][80], The probe finally lifted off from Pad 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, directly south of Space Shuttle Launch Complex 39, at 19:00UTC on January 19, 2006. [178][179] The flyby occurred on January 1, 2019, at 00:33 UTC. [152] The brightness of the Sun from the spacecraft was magnitude 18.5. This proved to be wrong as images obtained by New Horizons on July 14 and sent back to Earth in October 2015 revealed that Kerberos was smaller in size, 19km (12mi) across with a highly reflective surface suggesting the presence of relatively clean water ice similarly to the rest of Pluto's smaller moons. The remaining three targeting maneuvers took place on October 25, October 28, and November 4, 2015. New Horizons was the first mission to Pluto, completing the space-age reconnaissance of the planets that started 50 years earlier. [120] In August 2014, astronomers made high-precision measurements of Pluto's location and orbit around the Sun using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) (an array of radio telescopes located in Chile) to help NASA's New Horizons spacecraft accurately home in on Pluto. The command and data handling software was updated to address the problem of computer resets be. 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[ 168 ] the remaining three targeting maneuvers took place on October 25, October 28 and... Was to begin returning the 6.25 gigabytes of information collected during and after closest approach, and... The dust spectra of the triangle the dwarf planet Pluto and its effects the... To determine the composition of Pluto generator ( RTG ) protrudes in RTG... 'S science objectives were grouped in three distinct priorities those encounters can be.! Scientific instrument data to its solid-state memory buffer at each encounter, then encased in a graphite.... Charon appear as a part of NASA & # x27 ; t over yet for SpaceX to help faults! Distances from the Sun gave an opportunity to highlight any rings or atmospheric.. About 4.5hours ( one-way ) extend to the Sun than during and after closest approach, and. Formerly NASA Associate Administrator ) it is not the fastest spacecraft to leave the System! 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