which of the following is an explanatory hypothesisunsigned senior showcase basketball

Draw conclusions and make revisions. A) experiential method B) scientific method C) intuitive process D) strategic management process E) account planning philosophy B) scientific method The notes were placed about three-quarters of the way through each book, hard against the spine so that they could not be shaken out. 1& 0\\ When have you had to convince someone to do something? They must satisfy the correct form condition, but, like every other inductive argument, they would be logical failures were that their only success; they must also satisfy the total evidence condition. a person's unconscious. Studies show that you can do as well as the typical mutual fund simply by throwing darts at the financial pages to choose your stocks. Sample exercise. Note: See Section 6. Explanatory argumentan argument whose correct form, assuming that P is the explanation and Q is the observable outcome, is this: The first premise states that the explanation really does enable you to predict the observable outcomethat it really is an outcome. Dear Abby was a newspaper advice column with a readership of over 110 million in the late 20th Century. Observable outcome: An image looking like the outline of the Virgin Mary was seen on the wall of a house. Galileo, Torricellis contemporary, attempted to test this by carrying a crude barometer to the top of a tall building, but the difference in the barometric reading between the base and the top of the building was negligible. The International Society of Sport Psychology developed a position paper on aggression in sport. WebApplying your knowledge of the scientific method, which of the following BEST explains the correct contrast between a hypothesis and theory? Young women purchase fewer meats than women who are 35 years of age or older. It is doubtful that more than 1 in 30 is able to win five years in a row on the basis of skillthat is, the probability of succeeding for five years by skill is probably no better than the probability of doing it by chance. When faced with the dead body and the candlestick bearing the butlers fingerprints, even if there were no evidence pointing toward the chambermaid, an alternative explanation might have been this: The butler and the chambermaid committed the murder together, but only the chambermaid was wearing gloves. Sit down before fact as a little child, be prepared to give up every preconceived notion, follow humbly wherever and to whatever abysses nature leads or you shall learn nothing. This hypothesis is not necessarily the right explanation. There would be no good reason to expect the outcome prior to these two steps: Why is this criterion important? For each explanatory argument below, (i)identify the explanation, (ii)state whether it is the sort of thing that is known to happen, and (iii)compare its frequency to at least one alternative explanation. a. how to be rough and tough without getting thrown out of the game. I think it might be haunted. Suppose I tell you that I had a dream last night that I ran into a childhood acquaintance whom I had not seen for 30 yearsand that I then ran into him this morning? Which of the following statements is true of an explanatory Pity, the evidence went up in smoke. The problem, the supervisor decided, simply stemmed from somebodys mishandling of the frame. d. Outline necessary changes. We can also ask the same of singular explanations, although one way of asking it of singular explanations is to ask whether this sort of thing is known to have happened before and whether it occurs more frequently than the alternative explanations. After significantly departing from the mean level of competence, we would expect that the next attempt would be closer to the current mean. Unlike the case of Halleys comet, the observable outcomesa blue anchor on his hand, a military carriage, regulation side-whiskers, an air of commandare where the reasoning begins. Null hypothesis : this is known as the default hypothesis.It states that Step 5. Halley was especially interested in a comet he had observed in 1682. For example, our hypothesis in this case could be that the toast didn't toast because the electrical outlet is broken. It is freeloading; so it deserves no credit when the outcome comes true. The following are illustrative examples of explanatory power. If you evaluate the probability of the appearance of the comet but include in your background evidence the assumption that Newton is correct, then (setting aside the problem this would probably be the fallacy of begging the question) the probability of the 1758 comet would be very highit is, after all, derived from the Newtonian explanation as its outcome! I thought it was the wind blowing up the canyon, like it does, you know, except it was real still. Appetite fails, and the relatives keep water cans beyond reach, despite temperatures well above 100 degrees in the shade. Because the observable outcome rules out the leading alternative explanations, its prior probability is far lower than the anecdotal argumentand thus the argument is logically much stronger. 1. Thanks for the example to W. V. Quine and J.S. It must generate testable predictions. A relationship that has been established based on a large amount of observational and experimental data is: Why is it that creationism can never be accepted as a scientific explanation of the origin of life? The only difference is that Geller claims that he is not using deception. For each of the following conclusions, create two arguments: an argument that (in normal circumstances) commits the fallacy of affirming the consequent and an explanatory argument. It will be proven when I get some sort of raise in the next few years. c. rewarding sportspersonlike behavior And the argument concludes with the assertion of the explanation. . An experimental design in which the subjects do not know what treatment (if any) they are receiving. Hypotheses and theories not supported by trustworthy and methodical scientific studies. You might be impressed until you learn that I asked all 30 students in my class to stand up and try to toss heads. This condition is the logical requirement on any inductive argument that its conclusion fit appropriately with the total available evidence. a. situational causes Chemical analyses of this particular meteorite, however, established that it was only 1.3 billion years old and made of cooled lava. UNIVERSAL PRESS SYNDICATE. Organisms can perform many reactions and activities, by acquiring, using, and transforming energy. And my wife has never smoked anything. For a hypothesis to be a scientific hypothesis, the scientific method requires that one can test it. She must be a good driver, since she usually gets where shes going without running into anybody. Bandura's research showed that children who saw adult models commit violent acts repeated those acts more than children who were not exposed to such aggressive models. . Is the outcome stated precisely? A scientific theory is supported by testable and reproducible data. My employer values me. For singular explanations, the simplest one normally offers the fewest explanatory entities. Step 3. Frustration produces increased anger or pain. Satisfies correct form condition for explanatory argument, and does well on the total evidence condition. That should prove to you that it is running low. One test is to ask whether it offers only as many explanatory entities as needed. Is the frequently observed, poorly understood, phenomenon that people tend to respond favorably to any treatment. The other roots the power of suggestion in physiology: extreme fright and despair disrupt the sympathetic nervous system and paralyze body functions. If comets were common in December, then the premises of the argument would have still been true, but they would have given us no good reason to believe the conclusion. They took me off all of them and since then Ive had no attacks. A hypothesis is a tentative explanation . Scientists initially were properly skeptical of the theory that they came from the sky, but the development of an account of how meteorites were jettisoned by asteroids and comets provided a conceptual framework that made sense, with the prior probability of the explanation rising accordingly. For example, our hypothesis in this case could be that the toast didn't toast because the electrical outlet is broken. A frequently observed and poorly understood phenomenon in which there is a positive response to treatment with an inactive substance. It just plain disappeared. , Psychologists at San Jose State studied the traffic violations handled by 10 police officers assigned to routine patrol duty in a California town of 8,000 people. . Which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis? When your entire family is wiped out in a car crash, that is support for Romans 8:28 tooafter all, they are in heaven and you are going to have your character strengthened, so it is good. B. When people insist that they have no repressed memories, then, Freud considers this to be evidence for the presence of resistance, which is itself evidence for the existence of repression. To illustrate how this strategy is related to the prior epistemic probability of the outcome, suppose I propose the following fanciful explanation: I am bewitched, so that gravity has no affect on me whatsoever; the only reason I am able to walk around on the ground is because of magical shoes that counteract the bewitchment when I wear them. 1 Definitions In this instrument: chronic renal failure means: (a) having a glomerular filtration rate of less than 15 mL/min/1.73 m 2 for a period of at least 3 months; or (b) a need for renal replacement therapy (dialysis or transplantation) for treatment of complications of decreased glomerular filtration rate But the premises would provide virtually no support for the Newtonian conclusioncomets do appear from time to time, so this particular outcome would have been virtually certain anyway. As improbable as the Holocaust explanation ismercifully, such evils happen so seldom that its prior probability is quite lowthe hoax explanation is vanishingly probable. The MIU supplier of concrete had required MIU to give one days notice of the need for concrete, but never agreed to provide it for the next day until first referring to the National Weather Service. The explanation is more probable than the leading alternatives. Neither of the two alternatives has been ruled out, and either is more probable than that she is one of the very few people who has perfected special coin-tossing skill. Companies MOST LIKELY do this to: Demonstrate that the scientists conducting the trial are not biased in concluding that the drug is effective. In others, the outcome is first observed, then the explanation is invented to account for it; although these are subject to exactly the same evaluative conditions as the first sort, we can more easily be fooled by them. Scientists rejected Newton, they rejected continental drift, they rejected meteorites, and they were wrong! You never talked about him like he was a heronever made any effort to keep his memory alive with letters and pictures. structuralism, functionalism, behaviorism, humanism. WebApplying your knowledge of the scientific method, which of the following BEST explains the correct contrast between a hypothesis and theory? I recently organized a small test of this hypothesis. Then-clause is said to be unlikely without if-clause. Cells carry out the functions necessary for life. A house fire victim, for example, is quoted in the newspaper as explaining, I kept smelling something, and then I saw the smoke. Statistics show that almost half of those who win baseballs Rookie of the Year honor slump to a worse performance in their second year. Web16.4 Summary of Chapter Sixteen. Instructors found that when a student pilot was scolded for a poor landing, the student usually did better the next time. Sales of vegetarian foods vary by season. Cognitive psychology focuses on studying ________. The second part of the total evidence condition for explanatory arguments shifts attention from the improbability of the outcome to the probability of the explanation. Not clear from the passage which came first, though it was probably the explanation (apparently whoever set up the experiment already had the explanation in mind and was testing it). Why would you try to persuade your friend of something you have both just agreed is true? The second part of the total evidence condition requires that you exercise the same imaginative powers as the arguer; for you must imagine which explanations would be the most credible alternatives to the one argued for. Scientists generally base scientific hypotheses on previous observations that cannot satisfactorily be explained with the available scientific theories. Sample answer. This disregard for weather extended even to the pouring of concrete. It describes why the individual is having problems. Conduct the experiment over and over again. Men are evolutionarily built for aggression. Aggression facilitates performance. The term prior, in this case, means that the probability calculation must be done prior to your making any judgment about the explanation itself and prior to your making any observations pertinent to the observable outcome. Research testing the catharsis notion of spectator aggression has shown that For each of the brief explanatory arguments, identify the explanation and offer a more precise observable outcome that would lower its prior probability and thus make the argument logically stronger. Gilbert Harman is associated with the phrase. Practically speaking, however, explanations that do precede their observable outcomes are often logically stronger. The observable outcome follows from this explanation just as well as it does from the explanation that it was merely the butler who did it, but the simpler butler explanation has a higher prior probability. And what is the prior probability of the skill explanation? Does this mean that explanatory arguments are always fallacious? ________________ makes scientific-sounding claims that are not supported by trustworthy, methodical scientific studies. But the second letter, using the same observable outcome, offers an alternative explanationnamely, that a plumber visited, left the pipe, then surreptitiously retrieved it. There we have the marine. It makes no statement with respect to causation. But you would have done far better to propose, Seven is not in the set. If you had been right, you not only would have confirmed your preferred even-numbers answer, but also you would have ruled out the whole-numbers alternativethereby improving the logical support for your answer. A Guide to Good Reasoning: Cultivating Intellectual Virtues, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, The Total Evidence Condition (1): the Improbability of the Outcome, The Total Evidence Condition (2): the Probability of the Explanation, [If we are well above sea level, then water boils quickly.]. Well, Abby, this should clear up the mystery of MY missing pipe. Theories are hypotheses that have been proved. . selected to be representative of the kinds of books that Washingtonians are most likely to claim to have read. A century after Darwins visit, his countryman David Lack came here to study the tiny, drab birds that had helped inspire the theory of evolution. Write a paragraph explaining your point of view. An explanatory argument contends that certain facts can best be explained by a certain theory, and thus that the theory must be true. Make observations. This is not to say dogmatically that magic cannot happen. Roughly, since we are not allowing for the cost of commissions, for dividend income, and the like. As we have seen in the preceding chapters, the conclusion of a strong induction must fit both the premises and the available background evidence. My heads-tossing student may have been skillful, or she may have gotten lucky . d. all of the above A general, fact-based understanding of the basics of biology and other sciences, the scientific method, and the social, political, and legal implications of scientific information. It can also be helpful to know that when explanatory arguments occur in ordinary language, the ifthen premise is more often than not implicit (which tends not to be the case with the fallacy of affirming the consequent). After one of our couple friends started going to a fertility clinic, they just relaxed and stopped consciously trying to conceive. c. fans are not affected in terms of aggressive tendencies by watching a sporting event If the prior probability of the outcome is high, then we expect the outcome to happen anywayeven if the hypothesis is false. If hes her father, then he will go to great lengths to take care of her. MUST: b. in the quest of some nonaggressive goal. It fails the test mentioned in the preceding section, since we already have an explanation for the outcomenamely, the normal operation of gravity. This is an example of. d. all of the above My argument may provide a small measure of logical support for its conclusion, but what it does not do is rule out the following alternative explanations: A more careful test of the same theory would rule out these alternatives by using two large groupsone group that receives Vitamin C and a control group that receives a placeboin a double blind test. Sample exercise. Empirical knowledge is knowledge that is based on experience and observation. How in the world did you deduce that? I asked. d. a and b. e. a and c. b. in the quest of some nonaggressive goal. During an episode of wheezing, they found that the vocal cords, which are located in the airway leading to the lungs, formed almost a complete barricade across the passage. All of the above are reasons for stating a null hypothesis. A form that cannot pull any of the load in a deductive argument may nevertheless pull a share of the load in an inductive one. b. fans become more aggressive after watching violent contact sports have been. First part: The prior probability of the prediction is extremely lowhelped especially by the inclusion of predictions (i.e., no relevant difference in food from island to island) that succeed in falsifying alternative hypotheses (i.e., that the difference is because of difference in food). Rabinoff.). The set of analytical and mathematical tools designed to help researchers gain understanding from the data they gather is called. Which of the following choices correctly describes a double-blind test? It is just an explanation, designed to make the unexpected experience easier to understand. But the theory of plate tectonics eventually provided a conceptual framework for continental drift, and the explanation no longer has an unacceptably low prior probability. 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